You guys done an amazing job on this. Keep it up. I'm really looking foward to watch the next episode.
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You guys done an amazing job on this. Keep it up. I'm really looking foward to watch the next episode.
This is great work you guys.
I like it. I think this is a great series, and to anyone else who thinks other wise shouldn't be watching this to begin with. I'm also going to watch the original series to see the begining of it. Keep up the great work your doing.
Again very funny.
You did another amazing job, and Rodriguez is the greatest hero ever in all of Albion.
Indeed he is, Tyrant. Indeed he is :)
That was pretty awesome. You done an amazing job with it. Rock on DruoxtheShredder and rock on Sonic.
Aw, that does bring back good memories back when cartoons were good and funny. I sure do miss this show among other back in the days. Great job on the remix of this song.
Very good. The beginning part of it reminded me of playing some old school video games. The piano sounded alright to me, and again keep up the good work you're doing.
thank you tyrant :)
Another amazing work you done.
Lovely Picture. You know I'm falling in love with all you're girl characters you made ever time, and great work on the shading on it. It's alot better then I do on shading...which is hardly any...I swear I can not seem to get that down. Keep up the great work you're doing.
:D Why thank you!!! lol I like drawing girls and giving them weird little quarks to them. I really did try on the shading >.< I know I am not the best and I am still learning but thank you I am pretty proud of it myself. *bow*
I LOVE it. It's great even without shading, and Photoshop is alright...well to me it's alright. I grown to it. Well anyway you still done a great job on it. You should do a Flash of her dancing.
Thank you very much!!!! If I had Flash I would >.<
Age 38, Male
Joined on 5/6/08